
There is currently a lack of consensus on the “ideal’ running form among running experts and researchers.  There are pros and cons to many running variables including foot strike, but one area of agreement includes the reduction of forces at foot strike.  Our previous blogs have described the importance of reducing vertical amplitude, peak forces,...

In the examination of healthy or injured runners it is tempting to focus on an individual’s leg alignment and posture.  The hope of these tests and measures is it will help a clinician identify the source of client’s symptoms or a risk factor for injury.  The limitation of these examination items is their inability to...

In prior posts, we have discussed the importance of hip strengthening among runners.  There is a strong correlation between hip weakness, especially the hip abductors, and knee pain.  Studies have questioned if these strength impairments are present before pain develops or occur due to the onset of pain.  In addition, some research has demonstrated runners...

In our previous posts on running shoes we have described the limitations of orthotics and shoe wear to alter foot, ankle, or knee mechanics during gait.  Despite the hype and claims shoes have been unable to significantly improve running mechanics compared to proximal interventions including hip strengthening and gait retraining by a Physical Therapist.  The...

As we move towards the middle of summer many runners have experienced an increase in overuse injuries in their legs.  Unfortunately, these running injuries are common among athletes with the vast majority of runners reporting one injury over the last year of training.  Two of the most common injuries include shin splints (medial tibial stress...

The analysis and implementation of different foot strike patterns among runners has grown over the last 10 years.  Changes in foot strike patterns have been shown to reduce loading through the leg and may help reduce the risk or symptoms associated with different running related injuries.  Many runners entering our Physical Therapy clinic state confidence...