
Hamstring injuries, strains, are one of the most common injuries in the lower extremity. These muscles cross both the hip and knee joint making them susceptible to strains during high speed movements such as sprinting, jumping, cutting, and kicking. Of the three hamstring muscles, the biceps femoris is the most commonly injured among athletes. Authors...

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in the lower quarter affecting with an estimated 2 million cases occurring each year in the U.S. Manual therapy and exercise remain the gold standard of care for these injuries due to their ability to accelerate a patient’s recovery from the injury compared to usual care...

After a sports injury it is normal to feel apprehension or concern about re injury when returning to practice or competition. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, our Physical Therapists utilize objective tests to quantify strength, power, and function asymmetries following an injury or surgery to ensure a patient is ready to return to their...

CrossFit gets a bad reputation for having high rates of injury. I have heard many Physical Therapists and Orthopedic Surgeons say things such as “CrossFit keeps me in business.” This could not be further from the truth and is a lie the healthcare profession needs to stop propagating. My hypotheses for why people repeat ignorant...

CrossFit has often been described as a cult, and that is not entirely inaccurate. A cult is a social group (community) that is defined by its “unusual” religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest (health and wellness) in a particular personality, object, or goal (fitness). The practice of these beliefs is commonly associated...

How to Treat Toe Pain From Rock Climbing

Although we tend to think of rock climbing as being most stressful on the upper body, toe pain is surprisingly common in climbers. This sport puts a lot of stress through the toes, from jamming our feet into small shoes to edging on tiny footholds. The most common location of toe pain is at the...

Do You Have Wrist Pain While Rock Climbing?

Wrist mobility and stability are crucial to helping prevent injury for rock climbers. The joint between the radius and the carpal bones (the wrist) is a common site for stiffness, especially considering the demands that climbers place on their wrists and fingers. Stiffness to the wrist joint can lead to pain at the elbow, wrist,...