
Should I Perform Front Or Back Squats

The squat is one of the most commonly prescribed exercises in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practice. With so many variations of this strength training exercise you may be wondering which exercise prescription is best for you. The squat in particular has two primary variations, the front squat and the back squat....

Which Squat Variation Is Best?

Squats are an integral part of lower body strength training and Physical Therapy from injury or surgery. At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we also place emphasis on the importance of squats in helping reduce lower extremity injury. This exercise remains one of the foundations of exercise programs because of its’...

How do I improve my shoulder stability in the overhead squat?

The overhead squat is challenging, to put it lightly. It requires both strength and mobility in abundance. It is essential to the sport of weightlifting as the receiving position for the snatch and is commonly seen as a workout element in CrossFit boxes. It is an excellent tool for developing a multitude of physical skills...

Squat Stance: Not One Size Fits All

Typical instruction for squat stance is a generic recommendation to stand shoulder width apart with your toes turned out slightly. This is a great starting point, but that does not mean it is the optimal stance for everyone. Whether you are a CrossFit athlete, performance weight lifter, or doing squats for general fitness, please read...

Sports injuries will always be a part of practice and competition, but our goal as Physical Therapists is to reduce this risk in athletes. Risk reduction strategies can be placed into two categories including sport specific training programs (ex. FIFA 11) and pre participation screenings. Physical Therapists aim to identify limitations in an athlete’s mobility,...

Ankle mobility, in particular dorsiflexion, is an essential mobility need for athletics and every day activities including stair climbing and squatting. Interestingly, authors have shown side to side asymmetries of 6 degrees, > 20% were greater than 10 degrees, are common between legs in both healthy and injured populations Prior research has demonstrated altered dynamic...

The squat, and its’ many variations, remains one of the best all around exercises for strength and power development. Its’ utilization of the majority of lower quarter muscle groups also makes it a foundational exercise for patients in our Boulder Physical Therapy practice. The complexity of the complete movement pattern can be a challenge for...