
What Is The Best Weekly Split For Muscle Growth And Muscle Strength Gains?

Strength training is an essential part of any weekly workout program.  Priority should be given to aerobic exercise first, followed by strength training, before participants pursue other forms of exercise such as stretching.  At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics strength training is an essential part of each patient’s recovery from disease,...

How Much Shoulder Strength Should I Have To Swim?

Swimming is one of the more popular forms of exercise in Boulder County.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we treat swimmers of all ability levels to help them return to pool as quickly as possible.  These participants require a significant amount of mid back mobility, as well as, upper, core,...

Training The Finger Extensors For Rock Climbers

Rock climbing is a challenging sport. However, training for climbing might be an even more challenging endeavor. To rock climb well requires developing strength, endurance, power, mobility, and sport specific skill. Moreover, it requires developing all of those areas for the entirety of the body due to the whole body nature of the sport. However,...

What Is The Best Number Of Sets For Muscle Size?

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we are often working with patients to restore and/or improve their muscle strength.  Strength is a measurement of force production from a muscle based primarily on the ability to coordinate the nervous system and a given muscle, as well as, a muscle’s size.  Strength can...

Why Every Cyclist Should Strength Train

It is well known that cycling is considered to be a highly beneficial sport for enhancing cardiovascular fitness, yet studies show little or no corresponding improvement in bone mass. Previous articles have shown that athletes who participate in non-weight bearing sports such as cycling or swimming (and do not also perform concurrent weight bearing exercise)...

Women Who Participate In Strength Training Have Lower Risk Of Death

The vast majority of our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy patients participate in some form of exercise.  Based on the research, we expect these patients to have a longer life in years and, most importantly, a better quality of life.  Exercise can take many modes, but aerobic exercise and strength training remain the...

Can We Reduce Running Related Injuries Using Strength Training?

We have written numerous blogs on the benefits of strength training for our Boulder Physical Therapy clinic and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinic runners including improved health and performance, as well as, a lower risk of running related injury.  While far from a silver bullet, emerging evidence has shown strength training can reduce a runner’s risk...

Cycling and Low Back Pain: How Physical Therapy Can Help You Ride Pain-Free

Cycling is a fantastic way to stay active, improve cardiovascular health, and enjoy the great outdoors. However, for some cyclists presenting to our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics, low back pain can be a significant obstacle that hinders their enjoyment of this activity. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting out,...

Getting More Out Of Your Strength Training Workouts Through Focus

I can remember reading the exercise literature over 20 years ago and learning the impact of mental imagery on strength gains.  Participants who solely thought about their strength training workouts over a study period demonstrated strength gains compared to a control group.  In addition, these mental workouts could also limit the amount of atrophy observed...