
Why Every Rock Climber Should Strength Train

Strength training is not utilized by rock climbers enough! While many people assume that strength training is only for building muscle, showing off the biceps, and being able to campus better, there are numerous additional benefits that directly carry over into improving your climbing performance. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of...

Women can experience a lot of undesirable symptoms during perimenopause, including reduced energy levels, dramatic mood changes, and incredibly uncomfortable hot flashes. Many also notice changes in their body composition, including the loss of lean muscle mass and increased abdominal fat. Put another way, perimenopause is stressful for everyone; however, it can be especially frustrating...

Should I Perform Front Or Back Squats

The squat is one of the most commonly prescribed exercises in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practice. With so many variations of this strength training exercise you may be wondering which exercise prescription is best for you. The squat in particular has two primary variations, the front squat and the back squat....

What Exercises Should I Perform And When?

If you’ve been to physical therapy you may have asked yourself the question, what exercises do I do when to be the most productive with my time and effort? I often find myself having this conversation with patients in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics and I wanted to share a framework...

Strength Training Associated With Reduced Risk Of Death From Cardiac and Cancer Causes

Strength training is an essential part of treatments at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices. All patients regardless of injury, diagnosis, or ability level will perform a form of strength training to improve their performance or ability to perform the activities they enjoy. This valuable form of exercise continues to be studied...

Rotator cuff strengthening for CrossFit athletes

The rotator cuff is an essential group of muscles that stabilize the shoulder during overhead movements such as the strict press, jerk, snatch, and handstand push-up. These muscles are commonly injured by CrossFit athletes and weakness of the rotator cuff can lead to multiple shoulder pathologies such as, rotator cuff tendinopathy, impingement (subacromial pain syndrome),...

New Evidence Supports Heavy Weightlifting During Pregnancy

In the world of pregnancy and postpartum exercise, lack of available evidence has led to a fear-based model of avoiding heavy weight training due to unknown risk. As more research is being done on the pregnant population the evidence is becoming clear that activity, including heavy weight lifting, does not increase risk to mom or...