
Women who participate in high-impact activities may be at higher risk for pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) such as urinary incontinence than women who participate in low-impact activities. Following childbirth, 30% of mothers report urinary incontinence and 10% report anal incontinence. Women are all too often advised to avoid activities such as high intensity interval training...

Hamstring injuries, strains, are one of the most common injuries in the lower extremity. These muscles cross both the hip and knee joint making them susceptible to strains during high speed movements such as sprinting, jumping, cutting, and kicking. Of the three hamstring muscles, the biceps femoris is the most commonly injured among athletes. Authors...

Triathlon is one of the more popular sports in Boulder with individuals training at all competitive levels and distances. Depending on their competitive level and distance athletes will commonly train up to 25 hours per week for their upcoming races. Surprisingly authors reports only half of triathletes utilize strength training in their weekly hours secondary...

Strength training is an essential intervention we utilize in our Boulder Physical Therapy practice to rehabilitate all levels of running athletes. Previous research has shown significant benefits of strength training in runners on injury prevention, 50% less risk for future injury, and performance, primarily through improvements in running economy compared to their peers utilizing endurance...

Strength AND (not or) Endurance: No Need to Compromise

Exercise programs have historically achieved adaptation through specificity of training. This principle of specificity has driven the exercise community to view training for endurance or strength as a compromise, to achieve one you must sacrifice the other. Adami et al recently showed that we can indeed have it all, that it is possible to have...

Diabetes, commonly broken down into type I and type II based on the body’s ability to properly utilize insulin, affects over 400 million people worldwide. In our country, this chronic disease continues to become more prevalent with an estimated 10% of Americans being diagnosed with one of the two types of diabetes. Exercise remains one...

    Strength training remains an essential component of your weekly exercise sessions. Getting the most out of these workouts requires proper exercise prescription on reps, sets, and rest periods. Repetitions in reserve is an important concept for exercisers to understand on setting the intensity or resistance of their sets. Instead of establishing the repetitions...

CrossFit is well known for utilizing momentum driven variations of gymnastics movements in workouts commonly referred to as “kipping”. Kipping pull-ups and kipping ring muscle-ups are two skills that many new (and many experienced) CrossFit athletes desire to perform so they can complete the WOD at their local box. Often athletes are told they need...

Obesity is one of the greatest health problems facing our country. The causes of obesity are multifactorial in nature, but one contributor is a lack of daily activity or exercise by both children and adults. The CDC estimates less than 1/5th of Americans reach the weekly recommended amounts of exercise including either 300 minutes or...