
Our current understanding of posture has changed dramatically over the past 20 years due to the influx of scientific literature on posture and muscle and joint pain. Previously, posture was thought to be strongly associated with muscles imbalances including tightness or weakness. For example, forward shoulders were thought to be associated with shortened pectoral muscles....

Death and taxes are said to be the two certainties in life for adults, but Ben Franklin may have added low back pain given its’ current prevalence. Up to 90% of adults will report an episode of low back pain during their lifetimes. Fortunately, the vast majority of these episodes are not secondary to any...

Foam rolling has become a popular exercise intervention used to improve sports performance, accelerate recovery from workouts and training, and decrease muscle pain and tightness. Previous research has utilized 2-3 bouts of 60 seconds along major muscle groups in the lower body including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. One component of the exercise prescription which...

We have previously written on the effectiveness of foam rolling as a warm up or cool down technique, as well as, a treatment for muscle pain and soreness.  Utilizing a foam roller for 1-2 minutes on major muscle groups can lead to immediate changes in range of motion and flexibility likely due to improvements in...

In our previous posts we discussed how patients and athletes can utilize strength training to both improve strength as well as their flexibility.  Recent research continues to show strength training a muscle through its’ full range of motion is more effective than static stretching for flexibility gains.  This research has refuted a commonly held belief...

Photo Credit: In a prior post we discussed the prevention, treatment, and prognosis for iliotibial band syndrome.  The iliotibial band is commonly injured due to poor running biomechanics (cross over running gait) and muscle imbalances.  Specifically, weakness in the gluteus medius and maximus and an overutilization of the tensor fascia lata muscle which connects...

Most of us perform stretching and mobility as a complement to our endurance and strength training.  Mobility work clearly has a role in our programs to reduce stiffness, soreness, and improve our ability to move more comfortably through a functional range of motion.  Our previous blog posts have described the debates around the roles of...

In our prior posts on injury prevention in sports we have highlighted the importance of training volume management, balance training, and strength training.  Of all the training options, strength training is the most important due to its’ ability to cut an athlete’s risk of injury in half.  Despite the evidence many healthy athletes focus a...