
CrossFit has often been described as a cult, and that is not entirely inaccurate. A cult is a social group (community) that is defined by its “unusual” religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest (health and wellness) in a particular personality, object, or goal (fitness). The practice of these beliefs is commonly associated...

Rotator cuff injuries are one of the most common reasons patients seek care for their shoulder pain. Injuries range from less severe cases of impingement and rotator cuff tendinopathy to more severe injuries such as rotator cuff tears. These tears can be either traumatic or atraumatic in nature depending on the patient’s history. Previous research...

Subacromial impingement syndrome is the most common diagnosis for shoulder pain in adults and remains one of the most common reasons patients seek care from physicians and Physical Therapists. Shoulder impingement may occur secondary to functional and structural changes within the shoulder joint. Individuals with these symptoms often present with weakness in their rotator cuff...

Shoulder pain is a common occurrence affecting 2/3 of adults and is one of the top three reasons patients will seek care from a primary care physician or Physical Therapist. The most probable reason for shoulder pain remains rotator cuff pain including impingement, rotator cuff tendon pain, and rotator cuff tears. Research studies on MRI...

Post operatively, I am normally concerned with two presentations in patients. Patient’s with significant post operative range of motion and those with minimal to no pain have the highest risk of tearing their repaired tissues due to the lack of protection from either stiffness or post operative pain. Patients may incorrectly assume the absence of...

Our healthcare industry is a tremendous force in our country coming in at $3.5 trillion dollars per year and 18% of our gross domestic product. Despite spending approximately $10,000 per American we fall behind other countries in the world on many important health quality measures. The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care is a very interesting...