
In our prior posts on ACL injuries we have discussed the support in the medical literature for the conservative management of these tears using Physical Therapy alone.  The evidence supports the conservative management of segment of the injured population who are able to “cope” with their ACL tear and still function at a high level...

Last year over 500,000 thousand arthroscopic knee surgeries (scopes) were performed in the Unites States making it one of the most common orthopedic surgical procedures.  In a previous post we highlighted some of the evidence behind this surgery showing it is not superior to a sham or placebo surgery for degenerative meniscal tears.  In addition,...

Despite having no symptoms, many of us will develop age-related changes in the musculoskeletal structures of our bodies, similar to the aging effects on our skin. These findings are most prevalent on highly sensitive imaging techniques such as MRI and often lead to unnecessary and costly medical procedures. Our shoulders are also prone to development of age...