
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

In my opinion, Physical Therapy patients are often under exercised and do not return to prior levels of activity due to a lack of rehabilitation intensity.  What are some of your recommendations for implementing higher level exercises and strength and conditioning principles for practicing Physical Therapists? We have a problem in the physical therapy profession...

Squats remain one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the lower quarter and improving sports performance.  It also is a very efficient exercise in the gym because it targets most of the important leg muscles and works them through a large range of motion.  The downside of a squat is its’ difficulty.  Many people...

All of us will undergo a progressive loss of muscle mass as we age called sacropenia.  The key modifying variable is how quickly an individual loses this muscle mass over time.  Previous research on resistance training has shown a significant reduction in the rate of this loss over time among both experienced and novice weight...

A common question we receive from young throwers and their parents is how to improve throwing velocity safely without undue stress on their arms.  Our prior posts on throwing have focused on reducing arm stress through injury prevention and lower quarter strengthening.  This post will focus on the research surrounding exercise programs designed to improve...