
Crunchy Back During Upward Facing Dog In Yoga? Here’s How to Fix it.

By: Dr. Rani Helvey-Byers, PT, DPT, OCS Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) is a powerful backbend that strengthens the spine and opens the chest. However, for many practitioners, this pose can cause discomfort or even pain in the lower back. If you’ve ever felt strain in your lumbar spine while practicing this asana, you’re...

Treating Yoga Butt

By: Robert Adams, PT, DPT, OCS In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we often treat patients looking to improve pain and performance in their yoga practice.  “Yoga Butt” is a common issue in yoga where one experiences pain with forward folds and hamstring stretches. This condition is also known as a...

Is It Safe To Practice Yoga With Osteoporosis?

A common question we receive in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices is in regards to the safety of exercise when diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis.  Some patients will ask, “Am I causing more damage by practicing yoga?” The answer is no! In fact, not only has yoga been shown to be...

Reducing Wrist Pain With Weight Bearing Positions

The ability to tolerate weight-bearing wrist extension is essential to many upper body exercises and activities. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices we often see patients and athletes limited by pain in their hands and wrists. Wrist pain with weight-bearing can impact your ability to do push ups, arm balances, handstands,...

Using Yoga To Reduce Low Back Pain

Chronic low back pain can be a debilitating condition and has the potential to affect anyone. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, Yoga can be a cost-effective way to help reduce low back pain. This is not just something that makes intuitive sense but has been demonstrated in rigorous scientific studies that provide hard numbers...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that is thought to be prevalent in up to 9-23% of the world’s population. It is associated with diarrhea, constipation or both, abdominal pain and bloating, possible urinary symptoms and pelvic pain. Common comorbidities including sleep difficulties, chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, and TMJ dysfunction can have a...

Yoga is a popular form of individual and group exercise designed to improve flexibility, movement quality, and strength.  Participants benefit from sustained position holds designed to target different body regions.  As expected, the work of the stabilizing muscles increase with greater balance and weight bearing demands.  A recent study examined which exercises were best for...